Osteopathy Awareness Week 2021

#Osteopathy #Health #Wellness #Hauora #Stress #MentalHealth #StartTheConversation #OsteopathyAwarenessWeek2021 #OAW2021 #InternationalOsteopathicHealthcareWeek2021 #IOHW2021 #notjustforbackpain #osteopathyforhealth #osteopathyworks #oaw2021 #knightsosteopathy Osteopathy is so much more than just back pain!!  Have a look below to see how else we can help you.  

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National Osteopathy Awareness Week 2017

It’s National Osteopathy Awareness week 16th – 22nd April 2017! Dave has kicked it all off early with a visit to our local Kindergarten this week.   We were excited to be invited along to explain what an osteopath does to a great bunch of kids at Onekawa Kindergarten on Monday.   The children seem…

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Is Your Car Driving Position Comfortable & Safe?

Featured in “What Car” Magazine (UK) February 2009 You could be putting your health at risk by having the wrong driving position.  Our simple guide will help you to avoid injury. Back pain is a massive problem that costs the UK economy more than £2 billion every year, according to the Health and Safety Executive.…

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The Benefits of Rocking Chairs

Featured in “BIMM News” Journal, Vol.15. Issue 1., June 2007 by James Inklebarger & David Knight Rocking chairs have not only been the porch accessory for geriatric hillbillys and moonshiners but Pablo Picasso, Mark Twain and John F. Kennedy was reportedly fond of this low impact form of exercise. The gentle back & forth oscillation…

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Jandals Could Be a Flop

Featured in “Hawke’s Bay Today” Newspaper – By Jolene Williams Saturday, September 24, 2011 The jandal-wearing season is right around the corner, but a Napier osteopath is warning that wearing the floppy footwear too much in summer can be a “recipe for discomfort”. David Knight from Knights Osteopathy said the warmer weather often caused a…

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Is There An Osteopath In The House?

Featured in “The Osteopath” Magazine February 2004 I have been running an ‘in-house’ clinic at The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden for the past two years.  This osteopathic provision has been instigated by a particularly pro-active Occupational Health Advisor at The Opera House, and is made possible through partial funding by the Royal Opera…

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Can You Handle Your Jandals?

Featured in “Fitness Life” magazine November 2011 “Stride out on the beach this summer, don’t hobble”, says osteopath David Knight   After a long winter spent wearing closed shoes, the sudden change to jandals in the summer often causes a flurry of people hobbling through my practice with shin and Achilles tendon pain.  The thing…

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